Slot Data Asset
Last updated
Last updated
The module features a dedicated Slot Data Asset that extends from UMA.SlotDataAsset which enable its events to interact with the visual scripting capabilities of Game Creator 2.
The 'self' property refers to the Avatar to which the slot data is added. The 'target' property refers to the Character to which the slot data is added.
When 'Run Once' is checked, the instructions will run only once, unless you remove and re-add the Slot Data to the Avatar. If unchecked, they will run every time the Avatar is built.
Creating Slot Data Assets is now easier with the UMA's Slot Builder. While it generates UMA.SlotDataAsset, you can easily convert them into UMA Integration's Slot Data Asset using the provided utility menu.
you can also manually create UMA Integration's SlotDataAsset by following the steps below.
Right-click in your project window.
Navigate to Create > Game Creator > UMA > Slot Data Asset or Slot Data Asset - WildCard.
Edit your newly created custom Slot Data Asset.