Getting Started

Welcome to the introductory guide for the UMA integration module for Game Creator 2! Here, you'll discover how to install the module and dive into its included examples to get started.

Prepare your Project

To install the UMA integration module, you'll need to either created a new project or opened an existing one beforehand.

Checking Dependencies

The UMA integration module relies on both Game Creator 2 and UMA. Make sure you have these two in place before installing the module, or else it will encounter errors during script compilation. If you haven't installed either one or both of the dependencies yet, here are the package links for your reference:

Please note that this module consistently targets the most recent stable versions of its dependencies. Alpha or Beta versions of UMA may or may not work, but are not supported until the release version.

Installing the Module

Firstly, ensure that the Unity Editor console is free from any errors that might prevent the scripts from compiling.

If you haven't purchased the UMA integration module, go to the Asset Store's product page and follow the instructions to acquire it.

  1. In Unity Editor, go to "Window" in the top toolbar.

  2. Select "Package Manager" from the dropdown.

  3. Use the search bar in Package Manager to find UMA Integration.

  4. Click on the package, then download and install the latest stable version.

  5. Let your project finish compilation after installation.

Installing the Examples

  1. Click on "Game Creator" in the top toolbar.

  2. Choose "Install" to open the Installer window.

  3. Find and expand the "UMA" section.

  4. Select "Examples" within the UMA section.

  5. Click the "Install" button to start the installation process.

Clicking on the Examples install button should install all dependencies automatically. Otherwise, please install them manually.

Once you've successfully installed the examples, proceed by clicking the 'Select' button or in the Project Window navigate to Plugins/GameCreator/Installs/UMA.Examples@#.#.#/. This will direct you to the location where the UMA examples are stored within the directory structure.

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